The Aug 29 2002 Street-Sweeper, Carcass Kicker-Offer Report

We are most fortunate to have amongst our participants a woman - a fast woman - who has taken to working the streets in her retirement years. :-) Here is her report for this week.

Hi Celia,

I thought today would be my first clean sweep; however, at the 14.5 k point of the Parkway loop, I came across a piece of rusted, corroded, sharp piece of tin right smack in the centre of the shoulder. I often wonder where all this debris comes from.

Carcass report:

The deceased skunk, 3 k from the finish, is still there after three Thursday TTs. I think it has become permanently imbedded into the pavement.

Tuesday's squirrel road kill at the overpass, has meandered from the centre line to within 2 feet left of the shoulder line. I figured it posed no threat to cyclists.



The unofficial TT Street Sweeper and Carcass Kicker-Offer